Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Also, I figured I'd give a description of my friends, so that when I talk about them anyone reading this isn't totally lost. Okay, here goes:

Isabella (Wrinkles):
I've known her since I was 11, so about seven years. We weren't really good friends until freshman year. She was a really big mess back then, and so I sort of told her that I was going to fix her, and now she's stylish and beautiful. And almost a real person. I call her Wrinkles just because I thought the name was cute. Anyway, she's really thin and she has long brown hair. She's Brazilian and she speaks Portuguese, Spanish and English. She says silly things a lot of the time and she's often the butt of every joke. I also have this really creepy ability to know exactly what she's thinking before she even thinks it. I guess you could say she's my best friend.

Carla: Carla's a really strong minded girl, who I became friends with my Freshman year. We often think and say the exact same things (we call each other brain twins, I know it's stupid. It's from a book, don't judge). Anyway, she's at college now, which I think is for the best because she and I were getting into a lot of fights over the summer. I think it's because we both try and push each other to be people we're not.

Kelsey: I also met her in my Freshman year. She's really ridiculous and dresses really strangely, but she's a lot of fun. Well, most of the time. She's got severe anxiety/stress issues and is bipolar so sometimes she's not that fun to be around.

Melisse: She's a really funny girl and she has a bushy head of blonde curls. She has a problem with saying things before she thinks about it, which usually lends itself to hilarious results.

Jon: Jon is Isabella's boyfriend. We play this game though where we tell people that I'm Jon's boyfriend, or that he, Isabella and I are all dating, (people still aren't sure if it's true or not). He also kisses me sometimes (not behind Isabella's back or anything, we're always polite enough to do it in front of her ;D). It's kind of weird, but I guess it's nice to at least have a guy pretend that he's into me.

Terrence: Terrence is really fun. He and I often quote ghetto black girls together. He's a really genuinely nice person, and is probably the antithesis of me (I'm heartless and evil). Everyone thinks that he's gay except for him. People also say that he has a crush on me, but he thinks he's straight. He's kind of the most flamboyant guy I've ever met though. Ever. I think he's just hiding his real feelings because he's a strict Baptist. (He was convinced that sexuality is a choice until I convinced him otherwise).

James: James is the most kind hearted person I've ever met in the whole world. He's really generous and giving. And he's rich. :)

Adam: The most awkward person ever.

That was a lot more than I planned on writing. But hopefully you guys will have an idea of who I'm talking about when I say these names now.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for that dude. Very informative.

    Also, I was really sorry to hear about your portfolio. I have several friends who are artists, so I well know how hard it would have been to do what you did. I really hope you do well with that scholarship!

    Courage and Honour!

